Wednesday, September 21, 2022

In honor of banned books

 Turn your Tiny Library into a Banned Books Library (#Austin)

A.  As I drove into my apartment parking lot there were only two spaces left to choose from – the one beneath the sapping tree and the one beneath the poop tree. 

 When Chris opened his door to step out with Nate to smoke a cigarette, Buddy was sitting on the sidewalk.            

B.  There was never a day.

He was a Bombay – although uncertain.

C. She sat outside watching the tenants, wondering which one would be the first to go. 

All I needed were quarters for laundry and the clerk was adamant about the ‘lack of coins’ during the pandemic.

D. I drove back to the road where I’d hit a possum to give it a proper burial, only to find the vultures picking it apart.

Buddy refuses to play with the new kitten so he pounces on him every time he’s curled in a comfy, catnap ball.