Thursday, February 9, 2017

for the love of Oil

( - ode to Houston)

They line up their jewels in magazines,
shiny covers of elitist goods.
So elegant. I need their glamour, their sparkles.
Tell them how you acquired it all. Tell them –
Oil and gas. Oil and gas. I love oil and gas, I love killing just for sport. Just in fun. I love killing just for sport, just in fun. Oil and gas.
“I love the hunt; I need the hunt and the kill. I remember when my father put that first gun in my hand, when I was only 5.”
Fourth generation riches.
With your beautiful wife and gorgeous house in River Oaks.

I live next to your factories, to your chemical plants. That smell from the time of birth. I am your mutant; your plants are my home. Your smokestacks, pillaging of the earth, your greed. I got your toxic waste, your decay, and chemicals.
I receive your dumps, your buried waste, your contaminated rivers, water, and soil.
We play outside while the ‘cloud makers’ make us fresh goods, polys and metals.

You like a good hunt and sport. Your Museum of Fine Arts parties. Glamour.

---Deadly poison
---Let’s go for a drive with the top down, lets travel to Europe.
---Shut the windows and doors, something burns my throat
---Shiny black cars
---Eating the paint off, corroding the walls
---Cheese and wine
--Why, mommy, why can’t we go into town and play?
---We have a crappy television set.

---America! It’s like God.

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